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Title Skin Watchers AC Clearing Emulsion
Posted by carolinasaeza91 (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2017-03-29 00:07:28
  • Recommend 6 Recommend
  • Views 176

While my skin type is dry and sensitive without acne breakouts, during the summer the cheekbones tend to be more problematic due to the increase in oiliness; So my usual moisturizer does not accompany me at this time, generating small shoots and granites.

That is why I looked for a product of lighter texture that could occupy in this area; It was like researching and window dressing I came to the AC Clearing Emulsion of Skin Watchers.

The product claims to be formulated for sensitive, acne prone and / or problematic skin, requiring elasticity, pore care and moisturizing. It features the "20 free" system, which means that it contains no chemical preservatives, colorants, parabens or any component harmful to the skin.

Its main components are tea tree, macadamia oil, hyaluronic acid, jojoba oil, snail baba, aloe, argan oil and tea tree oil; Which together contribute to pore cleanliness, hydration, elasticity and calm to the skin.

The emulsion keeps your skin clean and fresh, coordinating oil and moisture, balancing excess sebum on the face, providing breathable, oil-free hydration.

This product is a light moisturizer that creates a barrier against the agents that cause acne, soothing the skin and reducing redness, also improves skin tone and texture, providing a matte finish.

How to use: After cleaning your face and toning, apply a thin layer, giving small and gentle taps for its total absorption. Apply in the morning and at night.

The odor of the product may seem a bit strong due to the tea tree present in the emulsion, which though, is nothing so terrible, herbal aromas can sometimes be unpleasant for some people.

After the facial cleansing and applying the tonic and / or essence, I used a small amount (2 pump), which reaches perfectly for the full face and part of the neck. When applied it spreads easily and absorbs quickly, leaving a matt finish.

The texture of the product is very light, tending more to the aqueous than to the oily.

When applied it absorbs quickly, without leaving an oily or oily layer. The effect of the skin tends more to the mate, but without sacrificing hydration, achieving a totally soft feeling to the touch. In addition, after about 3 weeks using it, I noticed that in general the redness that usually presented, diminished in intensity; Although it does not eliminate them completely, it reduces them remarkably.

Another point is the format in which it is presented, with pump, which makes the handling of the product much more hygienic and easy. The package comes with 125 ml, a large quantity considering the product renderer.

It is definitely a recommended product, especially because it meets the objectives of:

  • Moisturize without leaving oily feeling.
  • Return elasticity to the skin.
  • Do not irritate.
  • Calming the skin.
  • Improve texture by delivering a matte finish.

Therefore, if your skin is mixed or fat but sensitive at the same time, this product may also work perfectly for you throughout the year, as it will help control the excess sebum that usually these skins present all over the face or In specific areas.

Attachment IMG_6029.JPG , IMG_6045.JPG , IMG_6053.JPG
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